Primrose Hill Opera Cabaret

After the great success of the Primrose Hill Opera Cabaret at St Mary’s last September, this highly enjoyable musical and community event is on again on Sunday 13 October.

The formula will be much the same, but with two new singers. There will be a fresh range of operatic solos, duets and ensembles introduced, as last year, by Caroline Kennedy. At the end, everyone will join in singing the Slaves’ Chorus from Nabucco.

Please save the date. Tickets will again be £25 each. No need to pay until nearer the date. Tables for eight or more are available; and of course individual tickets. People’s willingness to put together groups of their families and friends is a main key towards making PHOC work.

If you could let Martin Sheppard know, provisionally or definitely, whether you are planning to come, that would be most helpful:

Bring your own picnics for the interval, but please buy drinks at our bar.

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