Local Groups Directory

Below are listed local Primrose Hill groups and associations and contact email address and/or website.

Auden Place Tenants Association  mariuszcontinental@mac.com
Camden Civic Society enquiries@camdencivicsociety.org.uk
Camden Federation of Private Tenants admin@cfpt.org.uk
Central & Cecil Housing Trust – Oldfield oldfieldestate@ccht.org.uk
Chalk Farm Baptist Church jules.musoki@chalkfarmbaptistchurch.org
Darwin Court Residents Association leventona@gmail.com
Elsworthy Residents Association homerwell10@btinternet.com
English Folk Dance and Song Society info@efdss.org
Friends of Chalcot Square Gardens friendsofcsg@talktalk.net

Friends of St Mary’s friendsof@smvph.org.uk
Friends of Regents Park and Primrose Hill chair@friendsofregentspark.org
Gloucester Avenue Association Martin.l.Sheppard@gmail.com
Mary’s Living and Giving k.marton@savethechildren.org.uk
Pan Camden HS2 Alliance peterjones@jjgroup.com
Patients Participation Group www.primrosehillsurgery.co.uk
PHCL Film Club pp.white@zen.co.uk
Pramstead info@pramstead.com

Primrose Hill Business Association jonny.bucknell@virgin.net
Primrose Hill Community Association info@phca.cc
Primrose Hill Community Choir maestromattheww@yahoo.co.uk
Primrose Hill Community Library info@phcl.org
Primrose Hill Conservation Area Committee richard.simpson@sas.ac.uk
Primrose Hill Neighbours Help phn.help@ageukcamden.org.uk
SOS Camden (HS2 campaigning arm) peterjones@jjgroup.com
St Mark’s Church william.gulliford@talktalk.net
St Mary’s Church revmarjorie@gmail.com
St Mary’s Centre Community Youth Work Trust jason.allen@smvph.org.uk
The Gorilla Organisation info@gorillas.org
The Pirate Castle info@thepiratecastle.org
Town Team info@essentialvintage.co.uk
Transition Primrose Hill transitionprimrosehill@googlemail.com