Primrose Hill Community Walks

For a year now Primrose Hill Community Association has been leading a walk on Wednesday mornings at 10.30 for about an hour and a half.

Sometimes they just have a social walk chatting through Regents Park, and a few times a month they have a theme – for example they have done all the blue plaques in our patch, two walks on trees in the area, one on lichens in Regents Park, one on Camden artists, and one on the history of shops.

On 8 December, local historian Martin Shepherd will lead a walk about street names in Primrose Hill, and on 15 December, they will do another ‘Hidden Primrose Hill’ walk, going through the back alleys and mews which we don’t normally visit.

Meet at 10.30 in Primrose Hill by the entrance on the corner of Primrose Hill Road and Regents Park Road.

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