Train Body Brain

Wendy MacLennan has a mission to create a teen mental health revolution. Last September she set up the Train Body Brain method, a 45-minute fitness nirvana to enable teenagers to […]

Categories: Well-being

The Back Maintenance Massage

The Back Maintenance Massage by the Garry Trainer Clinic Hippocrates claimed that “Massage is the mother of all therapies”, with the implication that it should be the cornerstone of any […]

Categories: Uncategorised, Well-being

Spring Well-being

If you’ve over-indulged over Christmas and are [still] feeling guilty, don’t worry. Look at Nature. What are the animals doing? They’re curled up doing very little with a massive supply […]

Categories: Well-being

Places to Find Peace in Primrose Hill

The outdoors beckons A light breeze on your face, the sound of birds proclaiming their territory, the smell of fresh rain in the air…. Even if the reality is that […]

Categories: Well-being

New Year – New Experiences

We asked some of our readers to let us know what it was like to go along to the classes and events at the Primrose Hill Community Centre. So here […]

Categories: Well-being