Marcus and Solly Go Round the Houses

On 11 July, Chief Executive and Artistic Director of the Roundhouse, Marcus Davey and his 14 year-old son, Solly, will be walking a 36 mile circle to raise money for the work the Roundhouse does with young people. Around 40 other people worldwide will be doing this at the same time, but in their local neighbourhoods.

Marcus and Solly

A supporter of the Roundhouse has offered a £10K challenge fund for Marcus to complete his walk. That means that every pound donated will be matched with another pound.


Last July, Marcus completed the Peaks Challenge in less than 24 hours to raise money for the Roundhouse and this year he hoped to do the Lyke Wake Walk across the Yorkshire Moors. However due to Covid 19 he had to change his plans and instead decided to walk Round the Houses. The need this year is even greater. With the Roundhouse doors closed to the public, their income is down 70% and our work with young people has had to be slimmed down and moved online.

Over the course of last year the Roundhouse have worked with 7500 young people aged 11 to 30 from all over London, with nearly 60% coming from areas of multiple deprivation. They have engaged in making music, radio, podcasting, theatre, circus, filming, spoken word, leadership and entrepreneurial projects. At the Roundhouse, young people learn skills, gain experience and develop their confidence and self-esteem.

Please help Marcus reach his target and in doing so help young people, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds to achieve their potential.

every pound donated will be matched with another pound.

Photo by Jonathan Birch

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