Fun French Lessons for Children at the Primrose Hill Community Centre

Babies and young children have an insatiable appetite for learning and communicating. Uninhibited, they don’t mind in which language they do this, as long as the exchange they have is full of meaning, and is fun!

Established in 1993, Club Petit Pierrot offers fun French lessons where children flourish and learn French naturally, in a similar way to how they learn their mother tongue! This specially devised immersion programme offers children the opportunity to learn effortlessly. The classes start from as young as 8 months old, as even babies from monolingual homes can develop bilingual abilities at an early age.


For the past 25 years, Club Petit Pierrot have introduced children to the wonderful world of bilingualism using their unique method with fantastic results! All the lessons are taught by qualified native French teachers who are fun, dynamic and caring!

Top Tips to Raise Bilingual Children

Here Stella Bataille, Director/Founder of Club Petit Pierrot, shares her quick tips on how to raise a bilingual child:

    Babies and young children have an amazing capacity for learning language(s). They’re not inhibited when learning a second language, so the earlier you expose your child to another language, the better.
    Don’t translate – it’s unnecessary and besides, you want your child to absorb the language and make direct connections between it and what they are seeing or doing! Even if you don’t speak the language yourself, it’s possible to find classes and/or nannies and/or fun tools (games, songs, books, videos etc.) in the relevant language.
    Forget flashcards or lists of vocabulary to learn by heart. Young children learn by doing and because they have a need to communicate! Make sure they’re engaged in fun, age-appropriate activities whether at home, outdoors or in a class – and be sure to give them lots of opportunities for meaningful human interaction.
    Don’t worry if your child mixes up both languages at some point; this is good and shows that he/she is learning and experimenting. Be patient when your child seems to understand but is not confident when answering back. Never force your child to speak, and don’t stop exposing them to the language!
    Quality of exposure, not just quantity! Learning a language takes time and commitment, so your child needs to be exposed to the language regularly throughout his/her childhood. Moreover, not all children learn at the same pace. The way your child is taught will have a direct impact on his/her motivation and progress!

What Are The Benefits Of Learning A Second Language Early In Life?

  • Students who are learning a foreign language out-score their non-foreign language learning peers in the verbal and, surprisingly to some, the maths sections of standardized tests.
  • Learning a second language early in life enhances overall cognitive skills and improves brain development.
  • Studies have shown repeatedly that foreign language learning increases critical thinking skills, creativity, problem-solving skills and flexibility of mind in young children.
  • A wonderful headstart – children will not struggle when starting a modern language at school; they will be confident and well ahead of their peers.
  • A native and authentic accent.
  • A chance to explore another culture, to develop an open mind, and to broaden their horizons. Each language carries a history, a way of thinking and its own sense of humour too!
  • Confidence and fluency in a foreign language broadens university and career options later in life.

Club Petit Pierrot

Club Petit Pierrot is delighted to offer lessons at the Primrose Hill Community Centre, 29 Hopkinsons Place, NW1 8TN.

The teachers love this venue as the rooms are bright and spacious and allow for a safe environment with all Covid-19 measures in place.

Thursday 9:30am-10:15am 1 to 3 years old: Interactive session with arts and crafts, music and movement.

Members also have access to a portal with mini recorded lessons and activities/worksheets to practise further at home.

Featured in BBC News, ITV News, Channel 5 News, STV documentary, BBC World Service, Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, London News, Little London, Absolutely Mama.

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