Together We Did It!

As you may know, we have been looking to raise £250,000 for the acquisition of a 25-year lease of the Community Centre, to ensure that the building remains in the community’s hands for the foreseeable future.

It gives us great pleasure and pride to announce that we have reached our target, thanks to the amazing Primrose Hill community. By the time this goes to press we will have formally sealed the deal with Camden Council.


This now gives us a terrific platform to plan ahead and build an even better, stronger community together. The trustees will be putting together a new business plan for the next five years, and if anyone would like to help in the planning process, please get in touch with the Community Association office.

We want to thank the fundraising team who did such a splendid job: led by Dick Bird, they were Maureen Betts, Colin St Johnston, Doro Marden, Pam White, Monica Crooks, Beverley Silverstone, Sue Bird and Mick Hudspeth.

More importantly, we must send out a big thank you to every single donor who contributed. You should have already received a letter of thanks, and we will be inviting every one of you to a celebratory event in February, when a wall plaque bearing the names of all donors will be unveiled. This will be
on display in the Community Centre for the next 25 years. We do hope you will come and join in.

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