Primrose Hill Community Association COP26 Season

The COP26 summit is currently being held in Glasgow with the aim to ‘recover cleaner, rebuild greener, and restore our planet’ in the words of Boris Johnson.

The Primrose Hill Community Association is doing its bit to support this agenda, by holding a series of COP26 related events.


The first event: Car Free Cities: Desirable? Possible? Essential? was designed to discuss whether or not car free cities are feasible. Perhaps they may be seen as a necessity if the planet is to survive?

Hirra Kahn Adeogun of the local NGO Possible was at the Primrose Hill Community Centre to discuss whether it would be possible to make our cities more liveable, with clean air and safe streets.

Possible would like to see a zero carbon society, and soon. They feel that governments and institutions will only work towards that goal if they feel that the general public share the same passion. With that in mind, they aim to provide fun projects to engage people, such as tree-planting days, heat-camera treasure hunts, vegan feasts, plugging community-owned solar into train lines, reimagining parks, or lobbying MPs about onshore wind. The five key areas they’d like to engage the public in are: cleaning up energy, changing how we travel, changing what we buy and eat, working with nature and talking about the climate crisis.

The second event, COP26 Debrief will be held on 17 November 2021 at 7pm via Zoom. It will be an online COP26 debrief with Fran van Dijk, an Edinburgh based sustainability expert who has been in Glasgow for COP26 campaigning with the BCorp community.

Fran is chair of the Macaulay Development Trust who support world class research on the issue of sustainable use of land and natural resources, for the benefit of people, communities and the environment. As long as humans have been around, we have used all our natural resources for economic benefit. Consequently, as we deplete them, we endanger our own capital.

Fran is the co-author of Creating a Culture of Integrity: Business Ethics for the 21st Century and she regularly writes for The Scotsman.

Come and be a part of the COP26 debate:

COP26 Debrief

COP26 debrief with Fran van Dijk.

17 November
7-8pm via Zoom

Register for the Zoom link here

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