Living in Lockdown – Short Story Competition

Primrose Hill Living in Lockdown

WHAT’S YOUR STORY. Tell us in 1000 words what was Lock Down like for you. Was it nice and peaceful at home. Was it scarey and lonely. What did you cook. Did you find local pals you didn’t know. Will you now be friends forever. Or enemies. Did you weep over old photos. Did you call up old lovers. Did you learn with your children. Did you throw out old stuff. Did you finally read War & Peace. Did you lie in bed. Did you write a story. Fact or fiction or a mix. Send it in. Win £20 book tokens. Be published in On The Hill. Be anonymous if you wish. 

We are looking for short stories about living through the Coronavirus Lockdown from local residents.

The story can be based on your own experience or be fictional. Stories should be no more than 1000 words.

We have four age categories. First prize for each category is a £20 book token for Primrose Hill Books.

The best entries will be posted online as an archive of these strange times. Winners will be published in On the Hill when it returns as a print magazine.


How To Enter

Submit your story using the form below. We can accept Word documents, PDF files or plain text (.txt) files.

The closing date has now passed.

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