Dec 20/Jan 21 Print Issue

On The Hill magzine is now back in our community in print for a festive December issue.  If you have not seen a copy, it is available outside the Primrose Hill Community Centre, the Primrose Hill Community Library and David Birkett Estate Agents.

You can also read the full issue here.

Editor’s Welcome

Welcome to December

Back in March, when I was editing the April issue of OTH, I never imagined I wouldn’t see you again until December. This is a one-off issue, to bring a bit of cheer and let you know that we hope to return soon.

Meanwhile, it’s been business as usual on our website, where we’ve reported on events such as the campaign to support residents in Oldfield, the Concert from the Balcony, the Art Trail and Primrose Hill reopening. From donating, cooking and providing meals, to local musicians and artists, our community has helped and inspired all our residents in its uniquely creative Primrose Hill way.

Our local businesses have had a tough year, so it’s vital that we give them our support as we approach Christmas. Primrose Hill Butchers were at the forefront of the Oldfield support, so if you’re having a turkey this year, you know where to buy it. And as for gifts, what can you possibly wish for that isn’t here on your doorstep? We’ve compiled a list of highlights to inspire you. It’s important this year, more than ever, that we support our local shops.

The Primrose Hill Community Centre had a kitchen installed during lockdown and have embarked on a scheme to deliver hot food to Oldfield residents and the Chalk Farm Foodbank. The scheme, Neighbourhood Nosh, has JC, formerly from L’Absinthe, in charge of the cooking, bringing a touch of Gallic charm, as well as great food. The Foodbank (here in Primrose Hill, on Berkley Road) has seen its use triple this year.
Our front cover features Jon Snow, who raised morale throughout lockdown by chatting to passers-by from a chair on the pavement. He cheered us all up and helped to forge a neighbours-in-it-together spirit.

Maggie, Editor of On The Hill

Thank you all for being such a brilliant community. Give yourselves a kiss and a hug under the mistletoe.

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