Primrose Hill Choirs Sing at Wembley

Four local choirs – the Primrose Hill Choir and Children’s Choir (, Let the Children Sing and the London Classical Choir (, under the baton of Matthew Watts – have been invited to sing at Wembley Stadium at the Rugby League Finals on Saturday 8 June. As well as a packed stadium the almost hundred-strong group of singers will be on live TV, reaching an audience of millions.

By coincidence the choirs were invited to sing at Twickenham Stadium on the same day but had to turn them down! The choirs will sing ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry, ‘A Million Dreams’ from The Greatest Showman and ‘We Are the Champions’.

There are still a few spaces for singers to join them. Email

“The fabulous Primrose Hill Choirs embody the community spirit of Camden”
Ex Mayor of Camden, Richard Cotton

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