PCHL Film Club: The Third Man

Graham Greene’s celebrated post-war thriller set in bomb-ravaged Vienna, shown as a centenary tribute to Orson Welles. “. . . the power of the picture, the surprise, the entertainment, the film-making itself – a revelation. There’s this extraordinary sense of a world that’s come apart, accentuated by the off-centred cameras. It depicts the emergence from mass psychosis, 60 million people killed in the war, a civilization destroying itself: the camera style expresses that. The images never feel grounded. Expressive style, virtuosity – I became fixated, obsessed.” Martin Scorsese

An Orson Welles’ centenary classic: The Third Man
Starring Orson Welles, Joseph Cotton, Alida Valli
Director Carol Reed
USA 1949 105 minutes

Doors open 7.30pm, Introduction 7.45pm, Film 8.00pm
£8.00 including glass of wine or soft drink

Tickets, up to two two per person, on sale at the Library, Sharpleshall Street, NW1 8YL [Map] – (open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays)
or on purchase on the door.

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