News from Primrose Hill Surgery


Negotiations on new 15-year leases on both premises in Regent’s Park Road are progressing after a visit from the District Valuer and should be finalised before too long. The practice is looking at the possibility of a grant to reconfigure the ground floor to give another consulting room.

Opening hours

At long last the surgery is now open on Thursday afternoons, and there is a clinic till 8pm on Mondays. Don’t forget that you can also make appointments every evening and at weekends at Swiss Cottage surgery (entrance on the right side of the Sports Centre) by ringing 0207 391 9979.


Congratulations to Dr Papalia, who worked her normal day and then safely gave birth that very evening! A farewell to Dr Bailey, who is moving to Canada, and to receptionist Gillian Wisdom, who is moving to France. The surgery has regained its status as a training practice and welcomes a new registrar in August. There is also a new health care assistant who can help doctors with routine testing.

Open meeting talk on bowel cancer

The open meeting in the library on 12 June featured an excellent presentation from consultant gastroenterologist Dr Lakshmana Ayaru. We heard that the screening test for bowel cancer (sent out by post to all between 60 and 74) was extremely effective in detecting early cancer, and 95% of those found with cancer by this method survived more than 5 years (compared with only 50% among whose cancer was found because of some emergency such as a blockage). However, the take-up of the test in London is only 40%. Dr Ayaru urged everyone to do the test, and told us that a new, easier test requiring only one sample would soon be available.
If you are over 74 and want to continue testing you can ring 0800 707 6060 to request a kit.

Join the Patient Participation Group

If you want to receive emails about future meetings, information about opportunities to have input into service development at the Camden Clinical Commissioning Group level, or simply to be part of your local surgery, visit, or ask for a form at reception.

We are looking for a committee member who is a parent of young children – if you are interested contact us at

The Primrose Hill Patient Participation Group is working to ensure that the complaints procedure is more easily accessible on the website and in the waiting room. You can, if you want, also post positive comments on their web page (above) and on NHS Choices (

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