Primrose Hill Entrepreneurs: Rebecca Davis

Local entrepreneur Petar Savic talks to some of the start-ups and small businesses running from Primrose Hill. This month he meets Rebecca Davis from AnotherDay Events.

Why did you decide to launch a start-up?

When I met my business partner Amy, we just clicked. We both had the same vision and passion for what we wanted to do in events and how we wanted to do it. Having this shared drive, work ethos and trust in each other made it very easy for us to launch AnotherDay Events. We knew we were both 100% dedicated and wouldn’t stop until we succeeded.


What type of work do you do?

We love to throw a great party and create an experience for people that will exceed their expectations. We all know that it can be quite a nightmare just to get friends together for a quick catch-up, so for the bigger celebrations such as your birthday, baby showers or your wedding, that’s where we come in. Our whole ethos is that we want you to enjoy your celebration without any of the hassle or stress – whatever the occasion! On the corporate side, we partner with companies on their internal celebrations but also on their client-facing events; it could be to showcase their brand or launch a new product. They look to us for innovative ideas and guidance in creating an event that reflects what they’re all about.

What are you currently working on?

We recently started working with a large tech company on their internal events, which is very exciting for us. We get to work on celebrating their staff with new and exciting concepts. A highlight for us is working on private events, and we are so lucky to have some fabulous clients. Right now we have a really chic and luxurious fortieth birthday party we’re working on for an amazing couple not too far from Primrose Hill! They’ve been a blast to work with!

What have the challenges been?

I would say on the corporate side it’s breaking the mould. We’d love them to jump out of their comfort zone and allow us the chance to pitch new ideas and rival their current events agency to see if we can offer something better.

Why do you like being an entrepreneur?

It’s about having creative business freedom and my own time-management. Essentially, we make the rules! We are working harder than we ever have before and taking risks where we may not have in the past. When all of this pays off, it makes all the little wins that much sweeter!

Do you notice a lack of women in start-ups?

Absolutely not; we’re so lucky to be surrounded by so many amazing women doing incredible things in business. For example, I recently read that 54% of WeWork London’s female members are founders, sole proprietors or in management positions. This was wonderful to read, and certainly from my experience it’s been inspiring to meet other women in similar positions to myself.

Any advice for other people looking to set up their own company?

Be prepared to work hard. You’ll get knocked down, but if you keep picking yourself back up you will be rewarded.

What’s the weirdest/funniest thing that has happened to you in events?

We were throwing a black tie fiftieth birthday party for a client and they asked to have real penguins wearing bow-ties greeting guests on arrival! In the end we compromised with real-life waiters wearing ‘penguin suits’!

What do you love about Primrose Hill?

I love the community spirit. I’m on the Primrose Hill events committee and currently working on a fashion show that’s in the pipeline for later in the year. And of course I love the 3 Ps: the people, the park and the pubs!

Find out more about AnotherDay Events at or on Instagram @anotherdayevents. Rebecca can be contacted at bec@anotherdayevents

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