Primrose Hill Entrepreneurs: Lorna Bladen

Primrose Hill Entrepreneurs is a new regular feature; local digital start-up entrepreneur Petar Savic talks to some of the start-ups and small businesses running from Primrose Hill.

This month’s Primrose Hill entrepreneur is Lorna Bladen.


Tell us about yourself Lorna

I was simply never interested in working for a big corporate machine, perhaps because my family always ran their own small businesses. I landed a fast-paced job when I first moved to London, working on a national enterprise campaign called StartUp Britain, an initiative to increase the levels of start-up activity in the UK.

Lorna Bladen

At the time of launch in 2011, becoming your own boss was seen as pretty risky, but steadily over the years the entrepreneurial appetite in Britain has exploded. In 2017, over 600,000 people became their own boss ‒ how great is that?

Is entrepreneurship a viable career path?

Absolutely, and there’s so much support to access! Profit is the lifeblood of any business, but we are seeing more people becoming self-employed or starting a new enterprise not just because of the uncapped earning potential, but often because they can craft a career that is more creative, satisfying and aligned with their individual values.

I’m now working at the UK’s most active small business network, Enterprise Nation. We run over a hundred events a year as well as offering practical online support, and I adore meeting dynamic start-up business owners from all walks of life. One thing that always strikes me is that they never have any regrets about leaving the traditional 9 to 5. They all appreciate the fact that whatever happens, they are in charge of their own destiny.

While it’s undeniable that a lot of graft is needed to make any business a success, good support is there, which is why so many people turn to Enterprise Nation for daily support and a friendly community of like-minded individuals.

What’s your connection with Primrose Hill?

I moved to Primrose Hill in 2016 and I just adore it 😊. I probably live in the smallest place in the village, but I don’t care because the area is so welcoming and vibrant.

I can have had the longest, hardest day at work, but turning around after the short walk up the hill to see that stunning London skyline can instantly turn my frown into a big smile! I’m also extremely proud that our village doesn’t look like every other high street: it’s delightfully dotted with lovely independent shops and cafes run by entrepreneurs; and I hope that never changes.

Tell us about your own venture, Luna Events.

I have my own miniature side hustle, which is called Luna Events. It’s still evolving, but I see it as a one-stop shop for people to discover wellness, career and lifestyle events that can help them live their best life.

I love offline experiential events and seeing groups of people getting together. I ran my own Valentine’s party at St Mary’s church in Primrose Hill last February. The event raised money for a mental health charity, and I’m keen to do another one this year in the local community. Watch this space and get involved!

I’m always on the look-out for like-minded people, so please feel free to write to me at



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