Katy Taylor

My Primrose Hill with Style Editor and resident Katy Taylor.

What made you choose Primrose Hill as a place to live?

I used to live in Tufnell Park,but often found myself at weekends visiting and mooching around the village with a coffee on my own thinking how dreamy it was. When my personal circumstances changed, I had to find a place fairly quickly for myself; it so happened that the place I liked most was in Primrose Hill, pretty much next to the hill itself, so I like to tell myself that it was meant to be.

What makes Primrose Hill so special for you?

When I first moved to London, I always thought that Primrose Hill would be such a lovely romantic place to live. And I was right, it is. I am not ashamed to say that I have completely and utterly fallen under its spell in so many ways. As someone who appreciates style and design, I never get bored with looking at all the beautiful, colourful houses; and I like the sense of history and community here, which is important to me. You can be by yourself but not feel lonely, as you get to see the same people every day and can stop and chat to the people who work in the independent shops. That doesn’t happen everywhere in London, so I feel very lucky to live here.

How would you spend your ideal day in Primrose Hill?

Morning coffee in Ripe Kitchen, as I think they make the best coffee in the village and are perfectly positioned close to my flat. I’ve got to know the staff well and catch up on local gossip while my coffee is being made. They have a few tables outside, and when the sunshine is out and I don’t have to be anywhere I can happily sit there and people watch or read. I’m also pleased that they have recently opened their second branch in Camden Passage, by the Angel.

I’m not a big breakfast person, but late morning I home in on Melrose & Morgan’s amazing vegan chocolate and banana bread. Even though I’m not vegan, it’s delicious! I think the staff may have clocked my obsession, as I walked past the other day and one of them came running after me excitedly saying, “We’ve got it in today!” Little things that like that make me relish living here, as I know it wouldn’t happen anywhere else.

I’m a big foodie and love to cook. So on Saturdays, I like to visit the local farmers’ market at the school and pick up some treats to share with friends later. I pick up wine from Bottle Apostle, as it’s nice to be recommended wines and discover something new. If I’m eating out in the village, in the winter evenings I love the cosiness and simplicity of French restaurant L’Absinthe. In the summer, good old Lemonia is fun for simple Greek dishes and for absorbing the atmosphere, feeling like you’re on holiday.

I think the end of an ideal day might be to stop for a glass of red wine at newly opened La Ferme. If I’m not at the bar, I’m nibbling a few snacks from a picnic basket on my blanket: taking in the views on the hill while watching the sun go down.

You can follow Katy on Twitter and Instragram.

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