Editor’s Letter – June 2018

Welcome to June

There has always been a strong spirit of community in Primrose Hill. I clearly remember being impressed by the campaign to prevent Starbucks moving into the area. The Primrose Hill Conservation Advisory Committee is a group of volunteers who have fought hard over the years to protect our area. In this issue, Pam White explains in detail about the work they do.

There’s a growing sense that more people are banding together to fight for causes which are important to us. The recent surge in violent crime has led to a Citizens’ Assembly being called and people considering how they can make a meaningful contribution.

There’s the youth work at St Mary’s church giving hope to our deprived young people. And this month at the library the Stephen Tindale Climate Answers charity will be launched to look for solutions to environmental concerns.

Without our volunteers, many institutions, such as the Primrose Hill Community library, would be unable to provide a service. Primrose Hill Community Association provides a variety of activities for all ages; many are run by volunteers and they’re always in need of fresh ideas and help.

Volunteering is a useful way to get work experience if you’re young, it’s known to combat depression, and is a way to keep active in retirement.

If you’re busy enough contending with a real job, then consider making a donation to one of the local initiatives. Or book a ticket for the Primrose Hill Lectures. The proceeds go towards funding the youth work and the cold weather shelter at St Mary’s church. Primrose Hill needs YOU!

All that leaves me to do is to invite you along to the Primrose Hill Summer Fair on 9 June in Chalcot Square. Come and have a glass of Pimms (served by volunteers) and enjoy a party in the square. There’s fun and games to be had for all.


You can get in touch with me via: editor@onthehill.info


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