Teenage Lockdown

Two girls from Haverstock School have sent On The Hill a short extract from their diaries. It encapsulates how many of our young people must be feeling at the moment.

Dear Diary,

Lockdown has been very stressful for me and for many others I know.


Everywhere is closed and all I can do is walk around my house. I can’t go to school every day, and I can’t go to any fun places, I’m just stuck bored at home. It’s also getting really stressful for me because I’m used to be doing work at school, in a school environment, and I find it hard to concentrate at home. I do get worked up about it, but I manage in the end. I normally go and visit family and other relatives and I can’t do that at the moment. I really miss them. At least I still have a phone so I can see them and speak to them, them but it’s not the same as being with them in person.

I just want it all to end because all these deaths are going up so quickly. It upsets me that not everyone is listening to the government. They are not staying at home to prevent the amount of deaths rising. Luckily I have games and stuff to keep me busy throughout the day, but it does get tiring. I really hope things will be back to normal soon.

Sara, Year 8

Dear Diary,

Day 44 in quarantine, I feel as if my mind has become an open void.

Day in and day out, it feels as if I am on constant repeat. I remember days when I complained about the world around me, but now I realise how much I miss it. Small things like walking to the shops have now become an impossible task. When I go for a run, I see the streets once filled with joy and laughter being deprived and deserted. Will this nightmare ever end?

Grace, Year 8

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