Silent Movies at the Film Show

After an unscheduled winter break while the floor of the library was being repaired, the monthly film shows there resumed in triumphant fashion on 7 March with an exhilarating evening […]

Categories: Film Club

Could the Tories Drop HS2?

The General Election may provide a final chance to get HS2 cancelled, as whilst Ministers have denied there has been a policy change, it has been reported the Conservatives are […]

Categories: Opinion

Sophie Levi

In 2015 Andrew Marr sat for a portrait by Sophie Levi. The verdict came back: he called her a proper artist! Equally impressive is that Prince Charles has one of […]

Categories: Uncategorised

The Primrose Hill Lectures

“No problem,” insisted Voltaire, “can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” Voltaire was not, to put it mildly, a churchy man, but it was in this spirit of rigorous enquiry […]

Categories: Uncategorised

Renovating our Library

It is a miracle that Primrose Hill Community Library has reopened after a series of setbacks. Early last year the Library was awarded a grant that was to be spent […]

Categories: Uncategorised