Sustainable Fashion on the Doorstep

We’re lucky to have three amazing second hand shops in Primrose Hill.  All of them have a mixture of high end and affordable clothes, as well as books and other items. Mary’s Living and Giving, Shelter and Fara give us the guilt-free opportunity to recycle clothes and buy new ones.

Second hand is the fastest growing sector of fashion at the moment, as it mitigates the effects of fast fashion.


In the spring issue of On The Hill, we will be running a feature on our charity shops and how vital they are to create sustainable fashion. The idea was originally suggested by Doro Marden, who wanted to highlight the importance of second hand. Sarah Louise Ramsey, our photographer, took on the project, and organised a photo shoot in Primrose Hill. Amelia Cardwell from Mary’s Living and Giving and Natasha Spyrou and Anna Palmer from Shelter were wonderfully helpful and patient as we ransacked their shops to find clothes for our models Priyanka Patel, Oreke Mosheshe, Carlotta Hall, and Noah Landes. Deborah Jackson Brown kindly gave her time as a stylist, and Ylwa Warghusen who’s written the article came to give a hand.

It was a fun day, dressing up our models in outfits from the charity shops, and photographing them in various locations in Primrose Hill. Even the weather, which looked like cancelling our plans, held off and was incredibly kind to us.

Here’s a peep behind the scenes of our sustainable fashion shoot.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who helped out on the day!

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