Acupuncture Awareness Week: 6-12 March

If you’ve ever had an acupuncture session, you’ll know it can help treat an individual’s mind, body and spirit at a very deep and profound level.

Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine needles into the surface of the body.  It’s a system of healing which has been practised in China and other Eastern countries for thousands of years, and is now recognised in the West as a vital medical practice.


Although often used as a means of natural pain relief, it is in fact used to treat people with a wide range of issues including infertility, IBS, back pain, menopause, migraines, anxiety and stress, to name just a few.

To learn more about this ancient medicine we spoke to Maureen McCann, a local Five Element Acupuncturist, who treats Primrose Hill residents.

Five Element Acupuncture takes a holistic approach to treating.  It treats the whole person, identifying the underlying cause of illness or deficiency, to restore harmony and balance throughout the system. Five Element treats the person from their core, not just the symptoms. It’s based on an understanding of the flow of energy in channels known as meridians throughout our whole body. This energy is known as Qi (pronounced chee) and is often translated as breath, life-force or vitality, and is what keeps us alive. The Qi is circulated along these meridians, forming a whole network of channels, and along these at specific places lie acupuncture points. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s own healing response and helps restore its natural balance.

“Does it hurt? I do get this question quite a lot, understandably,” Maureen tells us. “This is very much dependent on the individual. Some people experience absolutely nothing, others feel a slight sensation. The needles used in acupuncture are incredibly thin, like a hair, so even if you do feel a tingle, this is more often the stimulation of the acupuncture point than the needle.”

Maureen is a member of the British Acupuncture Council and trained at the School of Five Element Acupuncture (SOFEA) in Camden, where she has been treating for over 20 years. “I had treatment many years ago and it was a revelation. It really changed my life, so much so that I retrained to be an acupuncturist. I love treating and see people for all sorts of reasons: everyone has different things they need help with, and especially in these uncertain times.”

Maureen told us she feels very lucky to be part of our ‘village’: “there is something very special about Primrose Hill, a real sense of community and respect for each other; I feel very privileged and happy to be here”.

Maureen is offering On The Hill readers 20% off an initial consultation and treatment.

You can contact her on 07930 571 151 or email

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