A Shining Example

Zoë Chapman demonstrates what can be achieved with a bit of imagination and tenacity. Earlier this year, Camden resident Zoë Chapman launched her innovative invention, the Whizzer, to glowing reviews […]

The Boy from Boskovice

What makes a good man bad? Nature versus nurture? Local author Vicky Unwin was sorting through the documents of her father, the Holocaust survivor Tomas Ungar. What she uncovered was […]

Categories: Books, Events, Feature

Primrose Hill Art trail 2021

An initiative which began in lockdown due to art galleries being closed, now looks set to becoming an annual fixture in Primrose Hill. The Art Trail was established in 2020 […]

Categories: Art, Events, Photography

Pups of Primrose Hill

Pups of Primrose Hill is an Instagram photography project, started by Primrose Hill resident Katy Ryder in October 2020 to tell the stories of dogs who walk through Primrose Hill […]

Categories: Dogs, Passion, Pets

Three Artists

Annie Ovenden – Jan Phethean – Brian Busselle AT ONE WITH NATURE As part of the ‘Grow the Wonder’ campaign, St Mary’s, Primrose Hill is hosting a summer exhibition with […]

Categories: Art, Charity, Feature