Three Artists

Annie Ovenden – Jan Phethean – Brian Busselle AT ONE WITH NATURE As part of the ‘Grow the Wonder’ campaign, St Mary’s, Primrose Hill is hosting a summer exhibition with […]

Categories: Art, Charity, Feature

Walter Murch

Local resident Walter Murch has worked in the film industry for decades. One evening, he was sitting in his editing suite when Marlon Brando walked in. Marlon Brando said to […]

Categories: Events, Feature, Film

Grow the Wonder

By Richard Benson The big red-brick Victorian behemoth of St Mary the Virgin on Elsworthy Road might be known or recognised by many in the community as the church that […]

Neighbourhood Nosh

by Hattie Hartman The first lockdown witnessed an extraordinary outpouring of community support networks, hand-clapping for the NHS and neighbour helping neighbour. As the seemingly endless months of London’s third […]

Categories: Feature, Food, Fund Raising

Nellie the Elephant

James Dyer: Explorer Extraordinaire Emma from Haverstock School’s journalists interviews the explorer James Dyer In 218 BC, Hannibal Barca led 50,000 men and 37 war elephants across the French and […]

Categories: Education, Exploration, Feature

Photo Competition Winners

On The Hill magazine, part of the Primrose Hill Community Association, is pleased to announce the winners of the Picturing Primrose Hill photo competition – a joyful moment. There were […]

Freedom Day?

After a year of disrupted schooling and university, no opportunity to travel, few job prospects and soaring mental health referrals, many young people have struggled this year. So it’s not […]

People Friendly Streets

In the 1960s, heavy traffic roared through the residential streets of Primrose Hill. Regent’s Park Road, and even Chalcot and Fitzroy Roads, were through routes to the West End. Colin […]